Wednesday, May 27, 2020

People only hear what they want to hear.

What they said: We are easing lockdown restrictions but you need to wear masks and social distance when you go out.

What people heard: Covid-19 is over.  Let's go to the beach.

Unfortunately people are more likely to hear information that reinforces their existing beliefs, and to block out information that doesn't.  It's called selective perception.  It's actually a decision-making short-cut - a way to cope with the overwhelming amount of information we deal with on a daily basis.  (Gilbert, Tafarodi & Malone, 1993)

And it's the reason why it's so hard to change someone's mind after they have decided how they feel.

Notice that last part.  It's how they feel, not what's true.  Because perception is reality.  And all decisions are emotional.

In a study about how to get anti-vaxxers to vaccinate the only approach that had any traction was showing parents pictures of sick children and having the parent of that child tell their story. (Pinker, 2016)

So I guess that means we need to show pictures of people dying from Covid-19 to these folks before they get the message.  Sadly I think there will be plenty of those to see in the next few weeks.

Stay Home. 
Your life or the life of someone you love depends on it.

Gilbert, D., Tafarodi, R. & Malone, P. (1993, August) You Can't Not Believe Everything You Read. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.  Retrieved April 3, 2020, from

Pinker, S. (2016, March 12)  The Fear Factor Sells Vaccines Against Measles.  The Wall Street Journal.  pC2.

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