Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A democracy is supposed to be majority rule.

Trump lost the election by 3 million votes.  And since then he has enacted policy after policy that the majority of Americans do not agree with.  That's odd.  I thought democracies are supposed to be ruled by the majority.

Now Trump is pushing people to go back to work when according to a recent poll by Pew Research 68% of Americans say that it is too soon. (Daniller, 2020)

Of course, if you were someone who followed the crowd, you wouldn't know that people feel that way.  

That's because the 1% who care more about their stock holdings than they do about people, has been funding sham protests.  When they tried it in Staten Island, no one showed up.  Apparently they weren't being paid enough to die for the cause.

But in our world perception is reality. 

And that is why media outlets - including Facebook and Twitter need to be held accountable if they spread fake news -- Fox News isn't the only one responsible for this slow motion train wreck.   But maybe it's time the mainstream media started framing these protests for what they are - figure out who paid the protestors and out them.  Yes.  It's "follow the money" all over again.

1 comment:

S. McGlynn said...

Agreed. I wish you blog was longer! This is a favorite topic of mine.