Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Does your preferred paper towel brand need to take a stand?


New research from Porter Novelli finds that 89% of executives think purpose-driven enterprises have a competitive advantage.  So it's not surprising that 80% believe that taking a stand on social issues is a business imperative.


But the same research points out that consumers may not be entirely onboard as only 70% say businesses have a responsibility to address social justice issues. (Mahoney, 2020)


A study from found that 78% of Liberals want brands to take a stand versus 52% of Conservatives. (2018)


Data also suggests that younger generations, i.e. Millennials and Gen Z are more influenced by cause marketing than are older generations. (2014)


In fact, buying a brand based on the causes it supports may be the best example we have of the role emotions play in decision-making.  So, how does it affect you?


Can you think of an instance where you bought a brand because of a stand they take on social issues?  What about the opposite scenario?  Have you stopped buying a brand due to social issues?  When is product performance more important than causes to you?  Do you think your favorite paper towel brand needs to take a stand?  What if they took one you disagree with?  And how does price enter into the equation?



Mahoney, S. (2020, September 25)  Research: New Urgency Of Purpose.  retrieved September 29, 2020, from


(2018, January 9)  #BrandsGetReal: Championing Change in the Age of Social Media.  retrieved September 29, 2020, from

(2014, August 26)  CSR Reputation Affects Purchase Decisions, Millennials Say.  Retrieved September 29, 2020, from

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Have you completed your census?

This ad popped up on my Instagram the other day.

In case you are having trouble reading the fine print, it says: "We are not a borough that fails.  Queens is at 60.5%" 

As I have mentioned the tribe I associate with most is New Yorkers.  I was born in Brooklyn, raised in Queens and now live in Manhattan, so I don't associate with a specific borough.


But I suspect others do. 


If you live in Brooklyn, would this ad motivate you to complete your census?  What about those who live in Queens?  Even if you don't live in either place, what do you think of this approach?  Which of Cialdini's persuasion principles does it use?  How does the use of statistics affect your opinion?  Do you think it will be successful?  Would it motivate you?


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Have you thought about insurance?


The best piece of advice I have to share is - be well insured.  Once you have dealt with an apartment flood and cancer in the family it's a no brainer. 


But, how do you convince someone to think about insurance before these things happen to them?


Not surprisingly, younger people tend not to be well insured.  According to Farmer's Insurance Millennials, ages 24-39 have low awareness and familiarity with insurance brands.


To appeal to them, Farmer's believes they need to provide relevant and entertaining scenarios.  Their research also shows that "offering a group of perks is especially appealing." (Gazdik, 2020)


As a result of this input they developed a new campaign which is running across a variety of media.  Here is one of the videos in the series...


So what do you think?  Will this campaign be successful?  Have they achieved their goal of providing a relevant and entertaining scenario?  Would you notice this video if it came up in your feed?  Would you remember who placed it?


What do you think of the idea of "a group of perks?"  Does this appeal to you?  Is the video executing it properly?  Does this qualify as a perk?  Or did you have something else in mind?  If so, what?



Gazdik, T. (2020, September 14)  Farmers Insurance Targets Millennials.  Retrieved September 15, 2020, from