Thursday, May 30, 2019

Let's get celebrities to read the Mueller report and post it on their social media.

Yesterday Robert Mueller, Special Counsel for the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections resigned. 

In his statement he said: "If we had had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so."  

He also urged people to read the report.  That sounds good, except that the report is nearly 400 pages and most people don't like to read.

Some do, which is why the report became a best-selling book on May 2, after selling 40,000 copies. (Higgins, 2019).  And a free copy of it is posted here on in case you want to read it...

But it's pretty dense, and most people don't like to read.  They do however like to watch videos.  Lots of them.  On YouTube and social media. 

So what if some celebrities posted videos of themselves reading sections of the Mueller Report?  

Taylor Swift, who turned her Instagram feed into a get-out-the-vote effort in 2018, has ~ 95 million followers on Twitter, 102 million on Instagram and 838K on Facebook.  

Just imagine her reading "Section III/D./1./e./p.59 - Donald Trump Jr. Interaction with WikiLeaks."  That section is actually heavily redacted, but you get my drift.  

If you want to connect with people, you need to communicate with them on their terms.  

And personally, I would love to hear Cher read "Section IV/A./5./p.110 - June 9, 2016 Meeting at Trump Tower."   

It begins: "On June 9, 2016, senior representatives of the Trump Campaign met in Trump Tower with a Russian attorney expecting to receive derogatory information about Hillary Clinton from the Russian government."

A democracy only works when people participate.  If not now, then when?

Higgins, T. (2019, May 2) 'The Mueller Report' is now a best-selling book.  Retrieved May 30, 2019, from

1 comment:

Tim Baynes Art said...

Thank you for the link to the M Report and the idea of Taylor Swift reading extracts is a characteristic piece of cut through thinking.
Could you host a competition: Which social media celebrity would YOU like to read a piece of the Mueller Report?
I vote Jonathan Van Ness hairdresser, podcaster, figure skater, and Queer Eye anchorman.