Thursday, July 26, 2012

Will Gen Y buy Coconut-Curry Chicken soup for $2.99?

Campbell’s Soup has announced plans to introduce a new line called “Go Soup” aimed at Gen Y foodies, who have a taste for culinary adventure and variety.  Interestingly, many of the announced varieties such as Chorizo and Pulled Chicken with Black Beans seem to have an ethnic skew perhaps reflecting the fact that the U.S. is well on its way to becoming a majority non-white country. (Forbes, 2012)
The new line also taps into the target’s desire for convenience, with fuchsia and white pouches replacing old style cans.  But at least one consultant fears that the $2.99 selling point, approximately three times that of condensed soups, may scare off under and un-employed prospects.  (Welch, 2012)
What do you think?  Is $2.99 too much for a home cooked meal?

Forbes, T. (2012, July 25).  Campbell Looking To Bowl Over Millennials.  Retrieved July 25, 2012, from

Welch, D. (2012, July 24)  Campbell Chases Millennials With Lentils Madras Curry: Retail.  Retrieved July 25, 2012, from

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Let the battle of the condoms begin.

Three leading condom manufacturers – Trojan, Durex and Lifestyles, have recently launched vastly different social and experiential campaigns as they battle for market share.
Trojan has formed a partnership with, and will be sponsoring an interactive video series dealing with questions about – you guessed it -- sex.

Durex has introduced a new Facebook app to help couples choose the perfect mood music for lovemaking.  And they partnered with Ice T and Coco for a Facebook event/Twitter party.

Finally Lifestyles has chosen to partner with Identity, a touring electronic music festival.  They will be distributing free samples at 15 concerts this summer and hosting ticket giveaways on their Facebook and Twitter pages. (Sass, 2012)

They all strike me as interesting approaches.  I wonder if any of them will be successful.  What do you think?  Will any of them make you change your brand preference?

Sass, E. (2012, July 13) Condom Brands Step Up Marketing Efforts. Retrieved July 18, 2012, from

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Can User-Generated Content Transform Expedia?

According to Vic Walia, senior director of brand marketing at Expedia, the company’s new campaign, which carries the tagline ‘Find Yours’, "focuses on how they strive to create an experience that makes each and every trip more relevant, rewarding, and transformational.”  Clearly they read the happiness studies.

But where does user-generated content fit in?  Walia says they are bringing humanity and emotion back to traveling.  Hmm.  It seems to me that there’s a bit too much emotion on plane flights these days.

In addition to mini-documentaries and travel-themed films which will be posted on their website, the effort includes a Twitter photo contest that seeks to get participants to post photos based on key words such as “innocence” and “nirvana.”  On Pinterest consumers are invited to create a travel photo board.  Winners of the contests will of course be treated to 4-day trips, with $10,000 going to the winning film. (Irwin, 2012)

So what do you think?  Will you play the games and take a shot at a free vacation?  More importantly will you book your next trip with Expedia?

Irwin, T. (2012, July 10)  Expedia Campaign Features Real Experiences.  Retrieved July 11, 2012, from

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Will using Olympic athletes help Coke beat Bloomberg?

You have to give credit to Mayor Bloomberg for bringing attention to the huge amount of calories in large sugared beverages.  While 16 ounces of Coke contains 200 calories, a 32 ounce Big Gulp (with ice) contains approximately 364 calories while the 44 ouncer weighs in with a whopping 512 calories – about ¼ of a full day’s allotment for most people. (Sugar Stacks, 2009)

Coke has decided to fight back by using their Olympics advertising to link Coke to a healthful lifestyle.  (Hall, 2102)

I guess my first question is “How much Coke do those athletes consume daily?”
What do you think?  Will this campaign convince you to keep gulping?

(2009, July 7)  Sugar Stacks.  Retrieved July 5, 2012, from
Hall, E. (2012, July 3) Coke Uses Olympics as Link to Healthful Lifestyles.  Retrieved July 5, 2012, from