Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Ranked voting = too many choices


Decision-making is hard.  One of the things that makes it harder is too many choices. 


This year, NYC introduced a ranked voting system.  That means that instead of making one choice for each position, voters can now make up to five choices in order of preference. 


Each of those is in fact a separate decision.  And you don't have to vote for five if you don't want to.  Lots of choices.  Maybe too many.  That makes me wonder if people who have trouble deciding might just opt out all together.


One would expect this to be a high turnout election with the mayor's job up for grabs.  So it will be interesting to see how it goes.  If turnout isn't strong, I would suspect ranked voting is the reason why.


Too many choices = letting someone else decide for you.

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