It's been a rough year. But now we all get to enjoy a silver lining - the joy of firsts.
When you are young, life is full of firsts - the first step, the first snow, the first plane trip. But once you get older, not so much.
Covid was of course a first for most of us. But while it ushered in many changes we didn't want to experience for the first time, it's end is providing the opportunity to do just the opposite.
Who ever thought I'd get this excited to ride the NYC subway?
Ok. I was pretty excited about the opening of the Q line. But it was nothing compared to the joy I felt when I exchanged my expired Metrocard and headed out to the Greenmarket early Saturday morning. I really missed that.
It is interesting to note that when people talk about what they want to do post-Covid their wishes seem rather mundane - "go to a movie and eat popcorn" and "get my hair cut" are two of the most frequent responses. But of course first on everyone's list is hugging a loved one.
And while the joy of post-Covid firsts is undoubtedly being felt by everyone, I have a feeling Boomers are the most excited. Just check out this video from Saturday Night Live...