Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What keeps Gen Z up at night?

Our childhood experiences and fears shape our attitudes for the rest of our lives.  As a late end Baby Boomer who was raised watching the Vietnam War during dinner, is it any wonder that I am adamantly anti-war?

Likewise Gen X, the first generation of "latch-key" kids dealing with working mothers and divorce, experienced disappointment and fragmentation, which has led them to value life/work balance and individual choice.

Millennials, as we have learned, have been deeply scarred by 9/11 and the great recession. Therefore they are pessimistic in their outlook and avoid risk taking.

So what about Gen Z? 

This week the New York Times published the cartoons that won its 2018 editorial cartoon contest. 

You can check out the winning efforts here...

And when you do you will see that the issues on the minds of today's 16 and 17 year olds are - school shootings, racism, global warming, tax cuts for the rich and whether tech companies are evil. 

Hmm.  That's an awful lot to be worrying about.  Kudos to all the winners.

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