Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I'm stressing out - pass the donuts please

Everyone makes bad decisions when they are stressed.

I teach decision-making for a living.  So you would think that I would be really good at it.  But the truth is that I make the same mistakes as everyone else does.  Because just like everyone else when I make decisions, I often let my emotions get the best of me. 

That's not a personality flaw.  It's the truth.  All decisions are emotional.  And there are physical reactions attached to those emotions that are tough to ignore.

It's not your imagination that you crave sweets more when you are under stress.  Research shows that stress activates the parts of the brain linked to the enjoyment of tasty foods, and sends fewer messages to the part of the brain that affects long-term planning. (Maier, Makwana & Hare, 2015)

I try to remember that when I reach for the donuts.  But mostly I just don't buy them.  It's too tough to resist temptation when my brain is on pause.

Maier, S., Makwana, A., Hare, T. (2015, August 5)  Acute Stress Impairs Self-Control in Goal-Directed Choice by Altering Multiple Functional Connections within the Brain’s Decision Circuits. Neuron  Retrieved June 5 2018 from

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