Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Is Trump's success due to storytelling? Or is it tribal?

I read an interesting article yesterday about the mystery of why Trump supporters continue to ignore the truth.  Yeah I know - fake news. 

The article hypothesized that Trump is a storyteller and therefore truth is irrelevant.  It made me smile as I have often commented that my husband never lets the truth get in the way of a good story. (Bencherki & Basque, 2018)

Research tells us that storytelling is both key to memory and an extremely effective sales tool.  The seminal study on the subject, done in 2009/10, was called the "Significant Objects Project."  200 random items were bought at an average cost of $1.25 each.  Professional writers added personal stories for each - clearly false as they were not intending to deceive - and then items were sold on eBay - for nearly $8,000. 

So yes, storytelling works, and it is likely that the mirror neurons created by Trump's storytelling, and reinforced through his tweets are creating a bond with his audience. (2017)

But the article goes on to mention that Trump is in fact offering a place in his successful/high status tribe to the disenfranchised. 

That makes more sense to me.  In previous blogs I have discussed how strong the need to belong is and have hypothesized that there is no such thing as individual thought anymore because the need to belong to the tribe is simply too overwhelming. 

But Trump's storytelling is the key to making them believe that they do in fact belong, so it is indeed one of the reasons why people continue to support him and believe his lies.  Denial is a powerful thing.

Bencherki, N. & Basque, J. (2018, August 7)  Why so many Americans continue to believe that Donald Trump’s lies are facts.  Retrieved August 8, 2018, from

(2017, May 8)  The Science of Storytelling & Memory and Their Impact on CRO.  Retrieved August 8, 2018, from

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