Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Tell me something good.

I have a new favorite column in Sunday's New York Times.  It's called "The Week in Good News."  These days I can use all the good news I can get.  They should make it a daily feature. :-)

Not to worry though, voice assistants are on the case.  Google just released a new feature for its voice assistant called "Tell Me Something Good."  (Gottsegen, 2018)

Before long we'll all be having conversations with our voice assistants.  And then, we'll be happy to let them make our decisions for us. 

Decision-making is hard work.  What makes it even harder is having too many choices.  And the Internet is all about infinite choices.  So we find plenty of short cuts to make decisions easier.  For instance we may look at only one element - say price, or we could only consider items with a 5 star rating - which indicates that others like the product.  It's what we do.

So, I wasn't surprised to read that 85% of voice assistant users have purchased the item suggested by smart speakers despite the fact that it may have differed from their initial intent.  And, 37% of voice purchasers 18-34 "always" or "often" purchase the first option selected for them by voice assistants. (Faw, 2018)

It's just so much easier to let someone else decide.  Marketers take note.

Gottsegen, G. (2018, August 21)  Need some good news? Ask Google: 'Tell Me Something Good' Retrieved August 29, 2018, from

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