Thursday, June 28, 2012

Does Sex Sell?

Earlier this month Samsung posted this video for their new television motion-sensor technology. 

According to Ad Age’s Viral Video Chart, the Seductive Motion video had 4.2 million views in its debut week.  That’s very impressive.

But, I can’t help wondering if it’s just another example of mistaking engagement for persuasion.  So, what do you think?  Does it make you want to buy something?  Or is it just good for a laugh?

Russell, M.  (2012, June 5)  Samsung Uses Sex to Sell Motion-Sensor Technology.  Retrieved  June 28, 2012, from

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Will you go to Whole Foods to watch a movie about honey bees and stay long enough to buy something?

Whole Foods has begun a campaign to raise funds and awareness about the dwindling number of honey bees.  The effort includes in-store screenings of films, tweet-to-give and pin-to-give programs benefiting the Xerces Society, an “adopt a bee” option on their Facebook page and a 25 cent donation for every organic cantaloupe sold.
They hope to raise $180,000.  (Mahoney, 2012)

Do you think they will be successful?  Will any long term benefits accrue from the effort?

Mahoney, S. (2102, June 18) Whole Foods Creates A Different Buzz. Retrieved June 20, 2012, from

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Have you watched a video online today? How long was it?

According to a new global study from Ooyala, videos longer than 10 minutes accounted for half of the total time that people spent watching online video in Q1 2012.  (Loechner, 2012)

Total video viewing on smartphones grew by 41%, and tablet viewing grew by 32%.  And while most of us (55%) limited ourselves to one long form video per day, 10% of the audience is watching more than five a day.

The report concludes that viewers aren’t changing the kind of content they consume, just where they choose to consume it. (Ooyala, 2012).

What do you think?  Are you watching more long form videos and where are you watching them?

Loechner, J. (2012, June 14).  Online Video’s Everywhere.  Retrieved June 14, 2012, from

Ooyala Inc. (2012, June).  Q1 2012 Global Video Index Report.  Retrieved June 14, 2012, from

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Is a sale by any name just as sweet? Ask JC Penny.

If you watched this year’s Oscar broadcast you could hardly miss JC Penney’s (or should I say JCP’s) new ad campaign featuring Ellen DeGeneres.  But did you get it?  I know I sure didn’t.  Here’s one of the ads they ran featuring their new strategy – month-long values. 

This week CEO Ron Johnson told the audience at a consumer conference that “no one really understood what we intend to do is a sale; we run 12 a year.”  Really?  No wonder they had a dismal first quarter. (Zmuda, 2012)

What do you think of this ad?  Did you understand it?  Did it make you want to buy something at JC Penney’s?

Zmuda, N. (2102, June 7, 2012.  JC Penney Re-thinks its terminology, embraces ‘sales’ again. Retrieved June 7, 2012, from