Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Anti-vaxxers are literally willing to die to belong to the tribe.


We know that most humans have a strong need to belong.  And that the pain of social rejection hurts as much as a physical injury. (Sahi, 2019)

Therefore it should be no surprise that people are willing to do things that they might not otherwise do when they are following the crowd.

In a previous blog I pointed out that the decision to wear or not wear masks was based primarily on peer pressure.  Here's the link if you missed it...

So I guess we shouldn't be surprised that getting the Covid-19 vaccine is also a tribal decision.

A few days ago, CNN posted a graphic showing Adults 18+ with one+ Covid vaccine doses by primary news source.  Here were the results:



Fox News: 62%

While it would be easy to blame Fox, the reality is we should be blaming the tribe since they are the ones calling the shots.  And they are willing to sacrifice idiots in order to achieve their goal of destabilizing the U.S.   

Very sad.


Sahi, R. (2019, March 15)  Ouch: Understanding the Pain of Social Rejection. retrieved August 3, 2021 , from

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