Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Friends ask friends to wear masks.


Public shaming is very popular these days.  Here's what my students had to say about it last month...


I get it.  It's very tempting to call someone out about their bad behavior.  The problem is - who gets to decide what's bad?


President-elect Biden has been shaming Trump publicly over the past few weeks in an effort to get him to do his job.  Trump's reaction?  He's playing golf.


We really shouldn't be surprised.  Shaming is not on the list of most effective persuasion techniques.


What is on the list is liking.  Research shows that taking a few minutes to establish commonalities - which leads to liking, prior to negotiations, results in successful outcomes 90% of the time versus 55%  if this step is skipped. (Cialdini, 2020)


Every time we can get another person to wear a mask we all win. 


So focus your efforts on people who like you.  Explain that you wear your mask to protect them.  Ask them to do the same for you. 


You never know, it might just work.



Cialdini, R. (2020) Science of Persuasion.  Influence at Work.  retrieved December 30, 2020, from

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