Wednesday, April 8, 2020

No. Worrying won't help.

As we all try to deal with the reality of COVID-19, it's difficult not to be afraid.  Does it help to know that our brains are hard wired to focus on the negative?  

Research shows that our strongest memories are those that are associated with emotion.  And that negative emotions are more powerful and more memorable than positive ones.

Since the primary function of emotion is to guide action and plan for future occurrences, it makes sense that we would remember the bad more than the good since we don't want to repeat our mistakes. (Kensinger, 2007)

But, there's more to it than just that.

Thanks to our preference for using comparisons in decision-making, we are also subject to "concept creep." (Levari, 2018)

That's when we continually lower the bar for what's making us worry.  So while at first you might have been worried if you didn't wear a mask when you went out, now with the continual onslaught of bad news, you might be too worried to go out at all.  Despite the fact that nothing has actually changed.  Because what has changed is your belief about what constitutes dangerous behavior. And that operates on a sliding scale.

A while back, my brother spent the afternoon with Tom Lehrer, and Tom told him this joke...  

A man on death row was on his way to be executed.  As he and the guard walked down the hallway together, the guard asked him "Are you worried?"  And the prisoner replied "Why? Would it help?"

Every time I start to worry I remember that joke, take a deep breath, and soldier on. Give it a try.  It might help. :-)

Kensinger, E. (2007) Negative Emotion Enhances Memory Accuracy.  Association for Psychological Science.  Retrieved May 30, 2016, from

Levari, D. (2018, June 28)  Why your brain never runs out of problems to find.  Retrieved April 8, 2020, from

1 comment:

Tim Baynes Art said...

Thank you for the post and it put me in mind of these lines which I clung to when at my most stressful points in my crazy advertising career
Luke 12:25-31 New International Version (NIV)

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

Perhaps the 'consider how the wild flowers grow is a little too cute given so many folk are locked down in the apartments However the point about considering the little things is well made
Thank you Prof. Lehrer
Tim from London