In case you haven't noticed, America is the me, me, me
country. Just take a look at Trump's
tweets. Sadly they reflect the views of
a nation. And now our selfishness is
going to kill millions.
Research shows that American culture places the emphasizes on
the me over the we. Asian cultures do
the opposite. That's why they were able
to quarantine a nation for the better good.
No such luck here. Have you seen
the pictures of those uber-selfish spring breakers? The latest news stories confirm that they are
indeed spreading the virus. But if they
aren't getting it themselves why should they care?
Interestingly enough, not all Americans feel this way. It's only the elite class that teaches their
children to focus on personal achievement and individuality. Working class Americans teach their children
solidarity and loyalty. That's because they
rely more on others. The next time they
move - they will do so with help from family and friends. Affluent Americans will hire a mover. No
wonder they don't fully grasp the idea of interdependence. (Williams, 2018)
But COVID-19 is a global pandemic without a cure, and
controlling it will require global cooperation and healthcare for all.
Hopefully the elites will figure it out before it's too
late. As of this morning the death toll
is 19,625. And COVID-19 doesn't care how
rich or important you are when it kills you.
Williams, J. (2018, July 9)
The Elites Feed Anti-Immigrant Bias Retrieved March 18,
2020, from