Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Biden will be our next President because Americans want things to go back to "normal."

People don't like change.  They worry that the change will be for the worse and that they will lose something in the process.  So "loss aversion" kicks in.  (see this blog --

That's why if you do want to change, you need to do it in small sustainable steps.  A little bit at a time.  The same way that you would taper off an addictive medicine.

While the minority who put Trump in office wanted change, the other 70% of America did not.  And one wonders now if even Trump's supporters have grown weary.

When faced with too much change people resist.  And when they can, they go back to the way things were before.

So it wasn't surprising that Biden has emerged as the Democratic candidate for President.  And that when asked why they were supporting him, people said that "they wanted things to go back to normal."

And that is why he will win in November. 

Nuzzi, O. (2020, February 28)  'Biden Is Going To Kick Ass Here Because This Is a Normal Place."  Retrieved March 11, 2020, from

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