Wednesday, July 24, 2019

If you want to communicate better, consider a different medium.

Many of my Baby Boomer friends have admitted that they had to learn to text because it was the only way their kids would communicate with them. :-)

So when I heard that kids were doing PowerPoints to communicate with their parents I was highly amused.  Turnabout is fair play. (Rosman, 2018)

It also reminded me of the time in college that I sent my dad a balance sheet with an outstanding liability instead of a letter simply asking for money.  He was an accountant so I thought it would be more persuasive.

And that's what it's all about.

These days when I make a new acquaintance one of the first things I ask them is how they prefer to communicate.  I still have some friends that want to talk on the phone and arrange an in-person meeting.  How retro!

Personally I prefer email.  But that's because I'm really wordy. 

Most people prefer shorter communications.  That's one of the reasons infographics are so popular.  And we know from research that visuals are extremely memorable. 

Perhaps that 's why emojis are gaining steam.  After all a smiley face is universal. ;-)

Rosman, K. (2018, December 20)  PowerPoint Is the Most Efficient Way for Kids to Manage Their Parents.  Retrieved July 23, 2019, from

I just caught up with an article from Saturday's Wall Street Journal about using emojis at work. 
Here's the link :-)

Mims, C. (2019, July 25) Yes, You Should Be Using Emojis at Work.  Retrieved July 25, 2019, from,

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