Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Voice is the new Black.

In case you haven't heard, podcasts are surging.  According to a new survey from Edison Research and Triton Digital, as of Jan/Feb 2019, more than half of Americans have listened to a podcast.  And one out of three Americans listens to a podcast every month. Wow. (Peiser, 2019)

Then there's the smart speaker revolution.  Approximately 90 million Americans currently have smart speakers.

But it's how people are using their smart speakers that matters most.  They are using them to ask questions. 

Based on a recent study by Voicebot, questions about music are number one at 55%.  But 36% ask questions about news, 35% about movies, 28% for how-to-instructions, 25% about products and 23% for restaurants. (Martin, 2019)

What the article about the survey didn't say was how many of those questions were about letting Alexa/Siri make decisions for them as opposed to just seeking information.  When I surveyed my students about the issue last fall (not a significant sample) I found that many were quite willing to cede what they considered unimportant choices - like toiletries - to another entity.  While others even admitted that given how hard it is to make a decision they would happily pass it along to an "expert," which is of course a classic short-cut for decision fatigue.  You can read some of their thoughts here...

Net, net in the not so distant future, brands who do not have a voice presence will lose out to those that do.  It is only a matter of time.

Peiser, J. (2019, March 6) Podcast Growth is Popping in the U.S., Survey Shows.  Retrieved March 13, 2019, from

Martin, C. (2019, March 11)  Consumers Tap Smart Speakers For Questions About Music.  Retrieved March 13, 2019, from

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