Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Use the good dishes every day.

Happy New Year!  If your 2018 was anything like mine was then you are equally glad to say goodbye.  The fun began on January 30th at 2:30 a.m. when a neighbor's pipe burst and our apartment was flooded.  The year went downhill from there. 

Turns out the floor tiles had been secured with glue that contained asbestos.  So we needed to move everything out of the apartment for two months while they were safely replaced. 

We've lived here for 28 years.  You accumulate lots of stuff in that much time.  And for each item we had to make a choice - keep, toss or donate.  It was exhausting and with so many emotionally charged items to consider, it was tough to draw the line. 

Which brings me to my mother's china.  She gave it to me when we moved in.  I think I've used it twice.  That means they hardly pass the "did I use them in the past year test."  But how do I give away my mother's china?  She picked it out with such pride when she was a 20 year-old bride-to-be.  At this point decision-making fatigue set in, so I decided to pack the dishes and think about it some more while we were away.

When we returned home and I unpacked them , it struck me.  Why not use them every day?  Because they would chip and get ruined.  Well so what if they do?  Isn't it better to use them, than just save them for a day that might never come?

So now I use my mother's china every day.  And, when I do, I think of her and smile.  My resolution for 2019 is Carpe Diem - Seize the day.  Consider making it yours too.

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